This two sided, 1/2 sheet sized, color flyer was part of a promotional materials package designed to educate and mobilize members of the communities surrounding Mt. Hood.
Bark – Editing, Layout, and Design “Are Forest Fires Good for Forests?”
Around this time, Bark was looking to tryout designs that increased click-through rate.
Bark – Newsletter “September Bark Alert: Roadways Harm Recreation on Mt. Hood”
Like other pieces I wrote for Bark during this time, the September Newsletter focused on road reduction in Mt. Hood National Forest.
Bark – Editing and Layout “Special Alert: Office Fire Edition”
Soon after I was promoted to Interim Grassroots Organizer at Bark, our office burned down. As I’m sure you can imagine, this came as a bit of a surprise, and somewhat of an inconvenience. (The fire, not the promotion.)
“Road Rage: Why All the Fuss About Roads?”
“According to the Forest Service, sediment contribution from roads to streams is greater than all other forest management activities combined. That means there’s a direct tradeoff between road volume and water quality.”
Bark – Newsletter “July Bark Alert: 3 easy ways to protect Mt. Hood”
This was my first newsletter, and I had a lot of fun with it.