“In the shadow of Hiroshima’s Atomic Bomb Dome, where dimly-lit music venues sit atop the ashes of a former atomic wasteland, the spirit of punk clings like stale smoke after a bar show.”
Tag: Photography (page 6)
Laceworks Jewelry – Email Marketing Campaign “December 2015”
This email was a fast and furious operation in the midst of a hectic overseas relocation effort. We needed to let our clients know about the new site, and we also felt it was important to throw down some kind of special sale for the holidays.
Laceworks Jewelry – Website, Web Copy, & Business Cards (Update)
The big challenge here was that we were moving overseas to Japan, and needed a website that would allow us to stay in touch with our Stateside clients, while also serving as an internationally capable online store for our products.
Laceworks Jewelry – Email Marketing Campaign “Obon 2015”
As part of our developing marketing strategy for Laceworks Jewelry, we decided to start focusing on event driven sales campaigns.
Laceworks Jewelry – Email Marketing Campaign “Bellevue Festival of the Arts 2015”
The craziest part of this campaign was that I didn’t have a chance to produce and schedule it in advance—so I was literally making the emails from my laptop in the back of our booth during the show. o.O
Laceworks Jewelry – Email Marketing “Mother’s Day 2015”
This campaign was primarily to let our local Portland clients know that we’d be at the Gathering of the Guilds as part of the Creative Metal Art’s Guild contingent.