Scappoose Business & Tax (Scaptax) had an old Joomla site which a) was not mobile friendly; and b) they could not, for various reasons, update. Obviously, this was a bit of a conundrum.
Author: Peter Chordas (page 9)
Laceworks Jewelry – Email Marketing Campaign “December 2015”
This email was a fast and furious operation in the midst of a hectic overseas relocation effort. We needed to let our clients know about the new site, and we also felt it was important to throw down some kind of special sale for the holidays.
Laceworks Jewelry – Website, Web Copy, & Business Cards (Update)
The big challenge here was that we were moving overseas to Japan, and needed a website that would allow us to stay in touch with our Stateside clients, while also serving as an internationally capable online store for our products.
Oregon Koto-Kai – Grant Writing “Letter of Inquiry to Spirit Mountain Community Fund”
As a transcultural music ensemble delivering ancient and modern koto music on traditional instruments, it’s really no surprise that Oregon Koto-Kai would be ready to grow as an organization.
The Mapping Studio – Website
“With Peter in my corner, I have no technical worries.” —Pamela McMullen, The Mapping Studio LLC
Make a Living Writing – Blog Post “How I Turned One Failed Article into Two Big Writing Assignments”
“With the clock ticking, I put down my writerly scalpel, picked up my editorial chainsaw, and made like Leatherface on my beloved wordsmithery.”