Tatsushi Amano performs "Living with Father"

Japan Times – Article
“Keeping the Lesson of Hiroshima Alive Through One Family’s Story”

“I must have looked crazy,” laughs Amano, “driving a cab through downtown Tokyo and shouting, ‘Papa!!!’ with tears in my eyes.”

Client: Japan Times, providing the latest news and features from Japan including business, politics, culture, entertainment, and more.

Project Description: Write an entertainment pages piece about a one-man stage adaptation of a play about the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.

A Quote

“I must have looked crazy,” laughs Amano, “driving a cab through downtown Tokyo and shouting, ‘Papa!!!’ with tears in my eyes.”

The Inside Scoop

I had the good fortune of seeing Amano perform his one-man adaptation of Living with Father, and couldn’t wait to share the experience with others.

What better way than with an article talking up his act?

The passion with which he performs the piece runs deep, and you can see it as soon as he begins. More incredibly still, this performance — this one play — is literally his life’s work. He doesn’t do any other plays. Just this one. And he does it with all his heart.

As for the article, it was a straight forward operation. Sent the pitch to JT, got a green light, interviewed Amano, and scoped his play a second time. A milk run, I guess you could say. But a delightful one all the same.

My Favorite Part

Watching Amano’s performance again. The man’s delivery sends chills down my spine. No joke.

See the results:
Keeping the lesson of Hiroshima alive through one family’s story